Excavated Archaeological Sites: Sili Pachrahi, Tehsil Bodla, District Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh
Director/Assistant Director: Dr. Smt. Bharti Shroti
Year: 2010-2011
Archaeological site of Pachrahi district headquarter Kabirdham, about 45 km from Vikaskhand bodla. At the distance of the Hap is situated on the right bank of the river. Under the Directorate, Culture and Archeology, Raipur (2007 to 2011), excavation of Pacharahi, rich in cultures and festivals ofKaluchuri and Phaning Dynasty, has been completed.A site museum has been established by the Directorateof Culture and Archeology on the site of the Purshartha, with the purpose of making public and general researchers, historians, archaeologists and tourists aware of the antiquities and compiled ancient religions in excavation. These available antiquities, statues have been displayed in various books. Padmavati (pavaiya) is often named as the place of Nagavans etc. And detailed lists and coins of Padmavati Nageshakas are also received. It can not be said definitively how Nagvansh arrived in Chhattisgarh. But here two mentions of Dwavans are found, which is famous in the form of Nagnavshani of Bastar and Fanni Dynasty rulers of Kavdharda. It was not clear what was the relationship between them even after the almost contemporary dynasty.In the 12th-13th century AD this dynasty emerged in this quadrel which is known as Funnagavsh. C.G. The inscribed inscriptions obtained from Mandva Mahal situated near Chiragao of Kabirdham district are proof of this state, this inscription has been engraved in Vikrama Sankranta about 1406 (1349 AD).A Shiva temple was built by Raja Ramchandra Deo. For the maintenance of this temple, he had also donated some villages. They were married to the Heyyavanshi princess Ambikadevi and the faniinagavanshi were the peasants of the rulers of Ratanpur, they are also known from the records. In this inscription, there is a detailed genealogy of this dynasty.Besides the description of the birth of Nagraj and Mithila, two daughters of Sen Jatukarna in inscriptions, the names of the following rulers are inscribed: 1. Ahiraj, 2. Rajlah, 3. Dhanidhar, 4. Mahamdev, 5. Shakti Chandra, 6. Gopaldev, 7. Naldev, 8. Bhubanpal, 9. Artificer, 10. Jayatrapal, 11. Mahipal, 12. Jindal,13. Janh, 14. Janpal, 15. Yashraj, 16. Kannadev (Nakaddev) 17. Lakshmi Verma, 18. Kharagdev, Bhavnayakamall, 20. Arjuna, 21. Bhima, 22. Banquet, 23. Lakshman, 24. Ramchandra , 25. Arjun.Statues of Naresh Gopaldev and Yashoraj of this dynasty have been found. One of these statues is from Gopaldev- which is kept in the house of Bhormadev temple. This temple is in Chapri village of Kawardha district.Its period 840 (Kalchuri Samvat) and the second statue is of Yashoraj, which is in Sahaspur village and many inscriptions of Gopaldev have been received in Chhattisgarh.Keeping in view the archaeological significance of Pacharahi, located in Kabirdham district, in the above historical scenario, in 2007-2010, under the direction of Shri S. S. Yadav, Deputy Director, Directorate, Culture and Archeology, and in the year 2010-11. (SMT) Bharati Shroti, Archaeologist, Directorate, Culture and Archaeological Survey of Excavation concluded.